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Detail rozvrhu: English Courses in Philosophy and Religious Studies

English Courses in Philosophy and Religious Studies (5548)
Aktualizace: 06.02.2025 13:13
Obory: Filozofie
Katedry: 21-UFAR
Semestr: 2023/2024 - Letní

Teacher Course Name Day Time Room SIS Codes Examin. Credits
De Santis, D. What is an Image? Philosophical Reflections St/Wed 10:50 - 12:25 P131 AFSV00425 Zk 5
Hill, J. Evolution and the Human Mind Čt/Thu 12:30 - 14:05 P131 AFSV00427 Zk 5
Cherchi, C. What is a Paradox? Pá/Fri 10:50 - 12:25 P217 AFSV00418 Zk 5
Martin, A. Introduction to the Philosophy of Science Po/Mon 15:50 - 17:25 P217 AFSV00417 Zk 5